Family Matters Counseling Services, with its dedicated and passionate staff, is committed to providing a complete range of mental health services for the people in our communities. Through the consistently high-level provision of the following services, we hope to bring calmness, peace, and happiness into our clients’ lives.
We serve adults and children ages 4 and up.
Child and Adult Mental Health ServicesCompassionate Support For Our Clients
Our mental health services are available for individuals 4 and up – be they children, teens, adults, or seniors – who are struggling with a mental health issue. We firmly believe that everyone should have access to quality mental health care and support.
Individual CounselingNonjudgmental, One-On-One Support
Individual Counseling, also known as psychotherapy, is a process wherein clients work one-on-one with a trained mental health professional in a nonjudgmental, safe, and confidential environment. Individual counseling sessions can differ from one person to another and it can involve different topics, such as anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, school difficulties, career challenges, and more.
Family CounselingImproving Family Relationships
Family Counseling is a type of psychotherapy session that can help family members resolve conflicts and improve communication. Family counseling can be used to address specific issues, such as marital problems, conflicts between parents and children, step and blended families, and addressing the impact of the mental illness or substance abuse on the entire family.
Mental Health AssessmentFor a More Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment
To make an accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendation, we will first conduct a thorough Mental Health Assessment. During an assessment, several factors will be considered, such as your medical and family history, your mental health symptoms and experiences, your feelings and thoughts, as well as your treatment goals.
Family AssessmentAssessing the Needs of Your Family
A Family Assessment is a process wherein the family’s needs, strengths, worries, and resources are evaluated. It helps us understand your situation and how we can best help you and your family. It also helps us determine which areas you would like to retain and improve.
Parenting ClassesHelping You Become the Best Parent You Can Be
Parenting is not easy. Our parenting classes are designed to provide parents with the right skills, tools, and resources that can help them build a strong relationship with their child. Topics in the classes may include general parenting skills, effective communication, anger management, age-appropriate discipline, health and nutrition, future planning, and more.
Sexual Abuse ClassesHelp Victims and Train Abusers
Through our Sexual Abuse Classes, we provide training to victims and abusers. The traumatized victim not only needs assistance in acting assertive in saying NO, communicating effectively with their perpetrator, demanding boundaries, but also in understanding their rights, resources available, and when to seek law enforcement involvement. It is unfortunate that some of these victims are also developmentally disabled. Perpetrator also need guidance in maintaining boundaries, legally and socially acceptable ways to convey messages, understand personal rights of individuals who are victimized by them and know the consequences of their behavior.
Anger Management ClassesCope with Anger Issues
Anger management classes are available for individuals who want to learn how to address their anger and learn anger coping skills as well as individuals who are required to attend such classes as part of court minute order. The classes are also ideal for individuals who inadvertently say or do things that they don’t mean. At times, anger issues are related to stress or trauma that one may have experienced in the past or recently.
Through our Anger Management Classes, we help clients better understand their anger, recognize the signs that they are getting angry, and the positive actions they can take to manage their emotions. We provide clients with tools and methods for managing anger and expressing it in healthier ways.
Group TherapyYou Are Not Alone
Group Therapy is a type of psychotherapy involving one or more therapists working with numerous people at the same time. During group therapy, participants are encouraged to share their stories as well as listen to the experiences of others. It also helps participants feel less alone knowing there are other people who are going through similar situations.
In-Home Behavior ServicesCare and Support in the Comfort of Your Home
We offer In-Home Behavior Services for clients with behavioral health needs that can’t be successfully treated with less intensive services alone. Our team will work closely with the patient and their family to develop a specific behavior plan that can address any and all behavioral challenges.
Psychological TestingUnderstanding People and Their Conditions Better
Psychological Testing, also known as psychological assessment, is a process used to observe and measure a client’s behavior to arrive at a diagnosis. The results of a psychological test can be used to guide treatment. There are numerous types of psychological tests, such as Intelligence Tests, Personality Tests, Neuropsychological Tests – just to name a few.
Discuss Your Mental Health Needs with Our Office
We’d be happy to work with you and your family immediately. For questions, please contact us.